1) Every 2 weeks (Network Admin)
2) Log in to Web Server (SSH)
3) Get Plugin Folder Name
4) Get Version Number
5) record version and name in document
6) Copy Name< Add to update list with Date and record new version number
7) Clear cache, test site
8) Test configurator (most common issue that breaks)
a3rev: related to Woocomerce Quotes and Orders, makes any user not logged in to see woocomerce as quote system
Address Geo Locator: Old and Geo Locates new distibutors address on google map
Admin Colums Pro: Add Admin Columns
Advanced Editor Tools: Replaced TinyMCE
Advanced Order Export: creates a CSV file of a new order in a directory called export > orders that EPICOR then retrieves
Autocomplete for Learndash: Ranger Academy platform will autocomplete the Ranger Academy lesson
Broadcast: Largely Used for Products, Products need to be set up for 3 sites, it will publish all the products on th3 3 3 sites (check off LINK POST TO CHILDREN)
Demo Product Page Widget (Raf created)
E2PDF: Configurator?
Easy FancyBox: Lightbox
Facebook for Woocomerce: Makes Facebook ppst for Woocomerce
Grassblade: Related to LEARNDASH
Groups: It creates wordpress groups, connected to distributor portal mostly (user management)
Itthinx Plugins : related to GROUPS
Need to manually retrieve Learn Dash plugin
Lucky Orange: Heat map tracking
Manage Notifications (disables notifications)
Meta box Plugins used on configurator
Meta Slider; Slider plugin
Mini Orange: for Sales Force Obelct Sync
Multisite Custom Css (used to he with Multiste CSS)
Network media Gallery (connect the Media Gallery with all multisite)
Next Gen Plugins: Add Checkbox and Gallery etc
Object Data Sync/ Object Sync fio Salesforce” no longer maintained, no support
Pardot: is Sales Force Forms (may not be needed)
Query Monitor: to Debug things on staging
Regenerate Thumbnails: Regenrate the Thumbnails
Sensei LMS: Old LMS
ShiftNav: For Menu
Spectra: Old Guttenberg extension
Ubermenu 3: Uber menu
Unconfirmed: Let’s you sync all sites user has access to
Unfiltered: Multiste plugin
User Role Editor: Have noy updated, waiting for newer version , issue with latest update
1) Ranger Design Custom (Enhance the Function file of the Geneiss Theme)
2) Ranger Design Distributor Portal: Enhance the Theme Function file, strips out functions not needed, and keeps only the distributor portal functions only in here, some functions have not been moved over from the Ranger Design Custom Plugin
3) Ranger Design Short Codes (houses all our shortcodes)
4) Ranger Design User Registration: Custom User Registration Page, A Plugin where CS (customer support) can add users. (CS has no access to wordpress). We manage all user login, no password reset etc.
5) Ranger Locator: Old Locator system, we may need to disable